In this edition of Inside Indigo8, we get to know Relationship Manager and self-confessed app hoarder Kyle Yoon! He plays an integral role in our business – Kyle is the go-to guy for our clients; when they have a question about the services we provide them, he’s there to help. Kyle leads an amazing team of talented people within the operations and processing department, and together they work really hard to ensure we produce high-quality services for our clients’ businesses. Read on to learn more about Kyle’s role.
Describe your role at Indigo8 Corporate Services.
I’m the Relationship Manager at Indigo8 Corporate Services. Essentially, I’m the main point of contact for clients who engage our operations and processing services for their marketing campaigns. From setting up a campaign from scratch, designing databases and invoicing to reporting, troubleshooting and proposing new ideas to help enhance the experience of the campaign, it’s my job to make sure that the campaign is running smoothly.
What does a typical day look like for you?
There is no such thing as a typical day – every day I come across new challenges and ideas to implement and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
What’s the best part about your job?
My awesome team! I believe that a manager is only as good as the team around them – I am truly thankful for the people that I work with. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but together, we make a cohesive team.
How do you motivate your team?
I bribe them with snacks! Unfortunately, it has backfired – I’ve put on a few kilos since implementing this motivational tactic.
What's something about you that people would be surprised to learn?
I learnt and played the piano for over eight years.
If you could choose anyone as your mentor, who would you pick?
I can’t pick one! There are so many amazing people who walk the earth, some who I have been fortunate to cross paths with and others I’ve been lucky enough to work with. The important thing is opening yourself to being mentored.
What’s the most recent app you’ve downloaded but are yet to use?
I download everything and anything under the sun, and the majority I don’t use. The last app I downloaded was Bitmoji – don’t ask me why! I guess you can say I’m a self-confessed app hoarder. One app I’m keen to try is Duolingo so I can learn to speak Spanish.
How do you start your working day?
I wake up at 5:30am, take my dog out for a walk, head to the gym for a workout, and then come home and read the news. I prefer to ease my way into my workday, as opposed to rushing in to the office.
What are three things on your bucket list?
Go hiking in Nepal, watch a live Chicago Bulls game and discover a way for my dog to live for 50 years (only my dog though).
Indigo8 Corporate Services is dedicated to supporting other companies with all of the behind-the-scenes operations essential to every business. To learn more about how we could work with your brand call us on +61 2 9058 7900 or email enquiries@indigo8services.com.au