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Inside Indigo8: finance tips from our accounts assistant

Our Accounts Assistant Joanne shares her wisdom with us in this blog.

Meet our incredibly talented Accounts Assistant Joanne Rao. Not only is she a whiz at crunching numbers and balancing financial statements, when she’s out of the office Joanne is playing the violin! In short, Joanne works behind the scenes at Indigo8 Corporate Services, helping our clients with their bookkeeping requirements. We recently sat down with Joanne to find out more about her job and get to know her a little better.

Describe your role at Indigo8 Corporate Services.

I take care of all things finance related for some of Indigo8’s clients. Every day is different which makes my job interesting. Bookkeeping, transactions processing and recording, reconciliation, preparing cash flows and budgets, and communicating with clients are just some of the tasks I do.

Tell us about your first job. What did you do, and did you learn any skills that you still use today? My first job was working for a tax agent. I got to learn a lot about businesses and how they are structured. It was a great start for me and I learnt so much about finance and bookkeeping tasks specific to small businesses. I still use these skills today.

How do you end your working day?

I review my to-do list for the next day, tidy up, and take a moment to assess what went well and where I need to improve. What finance or accounting tips can you give to small or medium-size businesses?

When small businesses start out, they tend to focus their accounting on taxation and compliance. Although this is necessary, it is also important to work with your accountant to ensure that you have the right measures in place to allow for management accounting.

Entrepreneurs should take the time to structure accounting categories and procedures that allow for easy analysis and business planning, in addition to simple tax compliance. If you can access and manipulate your accounting data in the way that readily informs your business decisions, it can help your growth.

Have you got any secret talents? I am a passionate amateur violin player with three years of experience under my belt! I practise every day with my son who is also learning to play with me. This makes it so much more enjoyable.

If you had a magical power what one would you choose?

Time travel! Who wouldn’t want to fast forward or go back in time?

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An entrepreneur! I have always had an interest in finance and investing money.

How are you using your annual leave this year? I plan to go to China and visit some of my family with my Dad. I will also see the Terracotta Army in Xi'an – look it up on Google!

Indigo8 Corporate Services is dedicated to supporting other companies with all of the behind-the-scenes operations essential to every business. To learn more about how we could work with your brand, call us on +61 2 9058 7900 or email


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