We have a team of creative experts at Indigo8 Corporate Services who love thinking up new ideas for our clients’ brands and they all have years of experience doing this. Our communication experts and designers are often asked to work on projects with short deadlines, and they thrive in this environment! This got us thinking about how they manage to produce amazing and original ideas time, and time again. We spoke to the team and asked them to share their tips.
Change your scenery
Jay is Indigo8’s Graphic Designer, aka our Creative Genius and he told us that his best ideas come to him when he’s at the gym! “I think exposing myself to a different environment helps me to think up new content. If I am feeling like the creative juices just aren’t flowing or I need some inspiration, I’ll make an effort to exercise during my lunch break.
“When I return to work, I feel more productive and come back with some solid ideas.”
Capture them as they come
When our Communications Manager Annette needs some inspiration, she turns to her ideas bank. She told us that often, her best concepts are curated when she least expects them and that they mostly come in bursts.
“I think having a clear mind away from any distractions often triggers new content. I could be talking to someone, reading a book, listening to music, or going for a run and an idea will appear. I have an ideas bank on my phone, which I always have with me, ready to add any new concepts to the list.”
Look to others
Jeremy is Indigo8’s Director, and although his role doesn’t officially sit within the creative team, he loves to get involved. In fact, Jeremy is a natural original thinker – he has an Arts Degree and is often thinking up new ways to help our clients’ businesses.
Jeremy told us that when he’s lacking ideas, he researches online. “Seeking inspiration from others is a great way to identify opportunities and often sparks new ways to create your own masterpiece.”
Be proactive
Our Design and Publications Manager, Joanne says keeping up to date with trends and information helps her to ignite fresh ideas. “I subscribe to various blogs and design publications, so I know what’s happening within the industry.
“I also make an effort to experience new things that are enjoyable such as visiting an art gallery or seeing an exhibition, which is a proactive way to get my ideas flowing.”
Indigo8 Corporate Services is dedicated to supporting other companies with all of the behind-the-scenes operations essential to every business. To learn more about how we could work with your brand call us on +61 2 9058 7900 or enquiries@indigo8services.com.au